Street Marks 3

Street Marks 3Street Marks 3
©2008 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Street Marks 3 is all S marks the spot. Some hidden spot annotated with fluorescent paint. Oh the textures, I want to capture them all like Pokemon.

Today I really was down. I think the DayQuil is upsetting my sleep schedule and I got no rest last night. I stayed up until early morning watching Chaika on Anime Network. A great show I would recommend.

I am really devouring anime at the moment. Mainstream television is starting to give me an allergic reaction. It’s disgusting and leaves me with bad dreams.

I woke up today just in time for one cup of coffee and then had to bolt to work. I hate that feeling of restlessness that happens when all you do is work. Work and exhaustion is pretty much all I feel.

It explains why I have been sick over the past week. My mind is completely stuck and I can’t seem to pull it together even though I am getting so much done.

Maybe tonight I will go home and get a good night of sleep. It’s sad that this is what I want more than anything right now. Just need to feel rested.

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