2009 Shredded 3

Third in the Shredded Series from 2009 sees The Punisher hanging from his feet. A mixture of death and the hanged man for you Tarot enthusiasts.

These images are mostly from my walk over to the Hudson River Park. Near the Jacob Javits Center. At the time it was under heavy construction with whole blocks surrounded with construction blue board.

That summer in 2009 I spent a lot of time at the Hudson River Park. Not anything like the pier that was here when I moved to NYC. It’s now finely manicured landscapes with fountains and bike lanes meticulously curated.

When I moved here it was asphalt piers crumbling into the Hudson River. Our neighborhood pier was so dangerous you couldn’t go to the very edge. Huge chunks of asphalt threatening to tumble into the river.

I would sit close to the edge when I first moved here and write letters and postcards to friends. All of this before the age of cell phones and internet. I mean they existed, but everyone didn’t have them with them all the time. A completely different world.

This change I got to see from the perspective of one of the largest cities in the world. A strange happening to watch from any perspective. One minute everyone is barely connected and in the blink of an eye everyone is connected.

I don’t know why I think of this in relation to the pier and the Hudson River Park. But I always think of that moment from before when I used to write letters and postcards. Now comparing the isolation of snail mail to the current isolation in spite of satellite and WiFi speeds.

Nostalgia doesn’t make the older ideas seem kinder. Maybe it’s just all that has happened personally since the extreme of gadget culture. Maybe it’s just that there are so few people I would actually write a letter or postcard to at this stage in my life.

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