2005-2012 Silhouettes 1

Only two in the Silhouettes Series for now. This quick series follows my obsession with the sky and silhouettes.

Silhouettes go back to elementary school memories of teachers creating silhouettes in black of our heads to give to our parents. Using a simple overhead projector the teacher was able to get an amazing lifelike silhouette that perfectly captured a moment in our lives.

The sky has always been an obsession. Most recently, around the 2005 era, I was obsessed with those fake photos of weird dots flying over NYC. Obviously manipulated, these pieces exist solely to play on my hope of something greater. Something that might know more than we do about this thing we’re in.

So I look up at the big sky. But notice, I never see anything. And I look quite a lot and photograph a fair bit of it.

This first set in the Silhouette Series sees parking ramps, fractals in branches and leaves and cranes. Why I always shoot cranes I will never know. Why I always shoot construction sites or empty retail spots fit into the same category. The category is why?

And then finally a picture of NYC from Central Park. Pure fall loveliness in one of my favorite areas in all the city.

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