Hula Hoop

Hula HoopHula Hoop
©2007 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Hula Hoop is a cute installation down in SoHo. A nice moment of visual relief that brings the whimsy. Who doesn’t love the whimsy?

It’s great to live in a city where these moments happen regularly. Art installations bursting into life. Blossoming in the most unexpected places.

It’s a testament to the greatness of art. One minute you are having the most epic shitty day and then out of nowhere a park covered in an igloo of white hula hoops. The universe is conspiring to make the inner child in us giggle.

If sometimes I appear grim it is because I am. But I love layers as much as darkness. Layers of light and hope are great too. Although hope can sometimes be a trap.

It’s the layering that seems to be the most important part of my work. Both metaphorically and literally. The work is layer upon layer for a reason. It’s a message.

Now I just need to figure out what message I want to say in the coming year. How to layer the light and the darkness? How can I make my inner child giggle?

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