©2009-2010 Craig Ashby
5” x 6”

I want to say that number eight in the Restless Hand Series, RHS, is absolutely Drew Barrymore but I can’t. I think I remember it being, but some part of me says it is from some beauty campaign and it’s just another model.

A model or Drew who is overwhelmed by the sideways shot that is checkerboarded through its reality. Rivets and pale skin on dark backgrounds punching through.

If anything it still evokes Drew Barrymore. Which reminds me of the recent nightmare of watching ET as an adult. What a horrible movie. I loved it as a child but like most things I loved as a I child I find it painful.

Maybe I shouldn’t say most things. Some things like old Doctor Who have aged nicely. Siouxsie and Kate Bush have done well by me.

The X-Men books are still amazingly vibrant and cause me to react with a wonderful spectrum of emotions. So not all things have aged poorly.

Maybe it’s just the horrific puppetry of ET and Jaws that lose me. Maybe creepiness that isn’t intentional freaks me out a bit. Maybe I just hate the person I was as a child.

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