Old May 0018

oldmay0018Old May 0018
©2003 Craig Ashby
4.1″ x 6.253″
Digital Art

Second before the end of this run is Old May 0018. Another carry over of a filename. Why waste time coming up with names when the world is ready to label things for you?

I have discussed so many times here on this site how great it is to achieve a painterly result. Pretty painterly, no?

All the same bells and whistles you have seen in recent pieces. Atomic orbits, check. Octopus suckers, check. Paint palettes from Governor’s School, check.

It’s about creating a history and a timeline. Or maybe an alibi. Just a bit of proof that I was doing something rather than just jerking off to internet porn.

I have been researching plexiglass bonding over the past few weeks and yesterday I came across this artist who is the new godfather of gel medium acrylic transfer. The article mentions Rauschenberg, duh. But then the guy goes so far as to take credit for simplifying the process. The date was like 2003.

Oh sure, nobody else was perfecting that process in say the early nineties. I might as well say here on this post that I am the official creator of gel medium. Wait, the bubbles are so thick and isolating now more than ever. I created plastic.

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