©2013 Craig Ashby
4” x 4.75”

This first piece in this tiny MAZEXTRA Series is a hidden gem. During the plotter/cutter disasters I would have the need for specific pieces to be cut as replacements. I would have to rebuild the Illustrator file and cut from a crop resulting in these lovely silhouette pieces.

I placed the first piece on the shelves in front of my comic book boxes. When I was at the hardest part of struggling with the MAZE Series, there were days when I liked this piece better than ones I was currently working on. That’s when I knew that I had to show these.

On a tangent, I thought the other day that I should have a gallery for everything I have posted. I realized that this makes these posts slightly irrelevant. I wanted to have pieces that were only discovered by going back to old posts. A treat for people who want to click through it all. Right? This will be one of those series.

A few notes on this piece. This piece is larger than the ones that follow. This is the size of a full crop. It is a magazine image adhered to cardstock. I almost cut the edge off to match the others, but I just love the barest visibility of the word GUILTY.

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