Ernie Pier

Ernie Pier Front

Ernie Pier BackErnie Pier
©2015 Craig Ashby
11″ x 8.5″
Pen and Ink

Ernie Pier is the beginning of something new. This is the demo for a series of portraits drawn by the plotter.  Just pen and ink on paper that is then watercolored using a solvent.

I have been delaying the creation of these for many reasons. Firstly it has been nearly impossible to find watercolor markers that fit into the plotter. The second being that I have yet to run a test of ball point inks that are soluble and insoluble. Oh and then there is the imagery.

I want all the images to be of hot guys. Guys I just walk up to on the street and take a headshot. I have gotten one guy to participate, see above, so I need to pull it together.

Then I also need to work out how to make the watercolor layers work. The process itself is still up in the air. Lots of work for something I initially thought would be simple.

But nothing is ever simple. Even the simplest ideas I have seem to grow into something epic. Maybe this will become easier if I smartly work out the process and automate a huge part of the process. More of these to come.

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