Fashion Weak 13

Fashion Weak 13Fashion Weak 13
©2015 Craig Ashby
11″ x 8.5″
Inkjet Print

Fashion Weak 13 is the end of this series. I think. This doesn’t count that one that I still haven’t found. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Recently during fashion week, a friend posted on Facebook asking why so many people wanted to get into fashion. His snark mirroring my feelings after years of working in it. Compounded by year’s of living in this city.

Sure there is still beauty to be seen. Innovation. Fantasy. But these are mired in so many negatives that the benefits are useless.

When people vilify the one percent they seem to forget what those lives consume. They still quote hip hop songs that are just advertisements for those same luxury brands. No wonder the one percent exists, it is the aspiration of pop culture.

This realization has radically changed how I dress. I was doing normcore before it was a thing. My shoes and sunglasses are my most expensive items.

I never pay full price. I never flaunt labels. Ostentation is tacky. Jewelry is a rarity.

This happened when I realized how wrong the idea of using clothing as self expression is. I wish the person I was could be expressed in such a superficial and ridiculous manner.

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