©2002 Craig Ashby
5.5″ x 5.5″
Digital Art

Second piece from this era. A little more graphic this time around. It also contains a nice bit of my face on the right side. Covered in splatter from those palette scans from the late eighties.

I think what I like most are the same cut forms you can see in my current work. It’s very much like the layered pieces I have been exploring over the past five years. The same layering as pieces from last year.

It should temper your understanding of this era. It was a strange time. Internet fixation had already taken hold of me but the world was taking its first steps towards true globalization.

Just thinking about the numerous changes to the internet since 2002 is stunning. Not to mention the world. Yet it is still the same old world it has always been. The same contradiction.

The same can be said of my process. It has changed and seen high and low points. But it keeps persisting. I keep wanting to make more art regardless of money or acknowledgment.

A long line weaves throughout. I wonder if I will be able to break the spell and create something outside of my realm. Maybe this year.

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