Rose Ripple

Rose Ripple 1

Rose Ripple 2

Rose Ripple
©2010 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Rose Ripple is just a shot of one of our enamelware pieces in the sink. Full of water. The top picture having one of those frozen in time drop hits you see in milk commercials.

Enamelware is a thing in our house. All of them with floral motifs. I need more variety and more color. More of the crazy pieces that were too expensive for me in the past.

Back when I ran that African antique shop we had crazy ones with mallards and dogs. Fun and brightly colored with fanciful stencil images. It appeals to both Ernie and myself, that world of metal enamelware.

They exist in all cultures. Not usually the domain of wealth or privilege. So go back over that checklist and you get a pretty good picture of what we are about.

These are the kinds of things that I would collect with more money and more free time. Things that aren’t necessarily valuable but are things I love. Things that are both utilitarian and joyous.

While writing this post, Ernie and I immediately started the Google search. Time to see what is available out there and start collecting.

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