Paperclip #2

Paperclip #2Paperclip #2
© 1991 Craig Ashby
10″ x 8″

Paperclip #2 is another piece from the ITEK Series. High contrast forest. I can’t see the paperclip for the trees.

It’s a nice piece that makes my mind wander about using ideas like this in new pieces. Maybe translating the white areas to Illustrator vectors and twisting them about. Repurposing an organic shape into other pieces.

This weekend is the Snowpocalypse of 2016 and I have four days off. It is time to make huge experimental jumps. Time to do all those fun things I have been putting off.

This weekend has room for that experimentation. But I also need to focus on Liz and Document 13 and Super Glue. Those are the focus of my weekend.

I have to really push at the work. Take the weekend and work the fuck out of it. At least get some real momentum and  then goof off a bit too.

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