©2013 Craig Ashby
3.625” x 4.375”

Second in the MAZEXTRA Series continues with the same tropical foliage from the same advertisement. Albeit with a strange underscored U shape. Three shapes, all the exact same with just one mirror flip.

It’s another lovely silhouette. Actually they are kind of reverse silhouettes. What would be the right term?

They do reveal a certain language that is created by the geometry of the series. A language based on the forty-five degree angle. A language made up of triangles, parallelograms and funny boot shapes.

Most interestingly, the simplicity of this tiny series seems less conventional than the complex MAZE Series. Maybe the repetition of the MAZE Series causes this. These seem less academic and more spontaneous than the series that created them.

Unfortunately I only have six extant pieces. The latter half of the MAZE Series started to shift beyond the need of specialty cut pieces. Especially when I start breaking rules with abandon. The brilliance of a few bonus pieces ends abruptly.

But the six that do exist are lovely pieces I just had to share. I hope it gives a bit of insight about the behind the scenes construction of a series of pieces.

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