High Contrast
©1990 Craig Ashby
Copy Art
High Contrast is one of those pieces that still nags at me after twenty five plus years. I don’t even remember where the initial image came from. Some modern primitive piercing advertisement I think.
But I don’t know. And I don’t know why I blew this piece up and worked at it so much with nothing to show but this. It’s also of a woman.
Just a strange artifact and something that needs to be seen again. Something that needs to be remembered or appropriated into new work.
Almost like a signature or stamp for pieces. Pare it down and make it beautiful and then stamp it onto things rather than sign. I hate signing things.
Sometimes I don’t even do it. It bothers me. Why can’t I be anonymous just like I am in real life? If I said I did it, that’s enough.
But then they want it signed. I worked for a long time on a signature. It is the oversimplified one I use for everyday transactions. I loathe it.
In my sketchbook I should work on fixing that. Really work on developing something new. Or maybe fuck it all and go with something like this.