FFXIV Nico 21

Nicolas-Ghesquiere-03_13_2014-02_39_16FFXIV Nico 21
©2014 Craig Ashby
Screen Capture

FFXIV Nico 21 is another portrait of someone other than me. I know it’s unbelievable that I would focus on others. But here was this lovely Elezen with a great look wearing her Syrcus Tower gear.

Elezen are rare now. It seems the other races are more prevalent. Cat boys and dragon girls being super popular. It seems they are popular elsewhere in anime and manga too.

With the micro transaction sale of Fantasia potions people could easily change race or sex. This allow for people with expendable cash to change frequently. Most just wait for new playable races to become available. Then they fill the coffers of the corporation.

Square Enix probably budgets their year around the micro transactions. Waiting to release a new race just in time to put them in the black for that quarter. Timing it just right so they can squeeze that last drop out of the player base.

This kind of system is a bit repellent to me. The concept of micro transactions is an instant turnoff. Create better games. Don’t create a mirror of the world we already live in. I am already so tired of the haves and have nots scenario IRL.

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