Fashion Weak 10

Fashion Weak 10Fashion Weak 10
©2015 Craig Ashby
8.5″ x 11″
Inkjet Print

Fashion Weak 10 shows more printer failure. Notice that I have skipped number nine. I currently can’t find it but I remember seeing it recently and thinking why is it there.

This then sparked me to embark on organizing my filing cabinets. It’s an intense process. The results of that cleaning are seen here on this site.

I sometimes worry that these cleaning finds are too weird or childish. Then I think about how they are inspiring me to catalogue my ideas and write about my experiences. Even at its worst, a better exercise than doing nothing.

So it is going to get much weirder. With the Exquisite Corpse series you already know I have lost my mind. Why not share everything?

Especially when stuff like this reads as beautiful little watercolors. Maybe I should crop these down or try to replicate the failure. Too weird?

What is really weird is not being able to comprehend why things I post are more popular than other things. I feel that if I could get a handle on this idea it could help me push.

But it just seems completely random. I guess it is time to make some kind of chart and then evaluate. Another project to stop me from creating new work.

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