Empty Retail 06

Empty Retail 06Empty Retail 06
©2008 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Empty Retail 06 is more CGI looking vacancy. A raw space ready for imagination. The patchwork floor is the best part of it all.

The front dark area lookin permanently wet or moldy. Not exactly the best foot forward in this leasing game. I guess you can always cover the under flooring.

As you see this series progress you will begin to see that many of these spaces look similar. It’s like those games where you spot the differences. Frequently it’s the lighting that doesn’t change.

Always those harsh halogens overhead. The light bursting forth from their cages. Smeared even further by bad focus and thick plate glass.

Oddly I still see these spaces and don’t photograph them. I have new phone and I should be shooting new ideas. But the block is still in place.

I have to break it so I can’t repeat myself. There has to be new things to focus on. Especially in a city teeming with new ideas. I just need to consciously avoid the old ideas.

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