Empty Retail 05

Empty Retail 05Empty Retail 05
©2008 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Empty Retail 05 is classic halogen blast lighting. The recessed stairs reading as computer generated. Actually the whole series could be mistaken for easily 3D rendered pieces.

Their blank canvases not needing so much work. You would just spend your time cultivating the piping and grime. Which would be a feat to say the least.

I wonder why I have never tried to work in 3D. It would be easy for me to get a program and work at it but the processing power and timing have always been off.

Plus it hasn’t really been a draw for me. I have tried to work in 3D in Illustrator with much frustration. The only reason I am obsessed with it today is because of Jesse Kanada’s work for Arca.

It is beautifully funny and dark and inspires me. Maybe I can steal a bit of the horror for new pieces. Not too much, just enough. Perhaps on the self-portraits? A little gruesome distortion might explain how I feel about myself.

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