Dry Cleaning Trash

Dry Cleaning TrashDry Cleaning Trash
©2012 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Dry Cleaning Trash is just a fucking mess. Piles of hangers and string and fabric and plastic bags. Just a fucking mess.

Today I feel like a fucking mess. Went out last night and just ended up all wrong. Wish I had just gone home and worked on something.

But then sometimes I feel I am not getting enough of the city. That I am neglecting some huge part of my experience. And I am sucked out into this city wandering.

Sometimes it is productive. Other times like last night it isn’t. Today I am left feeling shitty like I have wasted valuable time. Feeling like I am coming down sick.

That is the difference between a great time out in the city and a bad one. A bad one doesn’t let me tally the good things I have accomplished in the weeks prior. It annhilates them and replaces them.

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