Dark Star

Dark StarDark Star
©2009 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Dark Star is one of my favorite photos. An image that would come across as an Illustrator file if it weren’t for all that beautiful grime. That one large blur at the top left begging for a little Photoshop repair, but no, it adds reality to the picture.

Its symbolism is obvious. Its manifestation in reality is less obvious. It was just perfectly waiting for me. Funny how that happens so much.

Lately the photography opportunities are infrequent. Like unused muscles the synchronicity has atrophied. It’s not that the magic is gone but that I am putting less energy into it.

Now that I have this new phone I need to rectify this. Today I saw a photo I missed on the way to work. Headlights through a hand truck full of large water cooler bottles. Like glorious diamonds breathing cold light.

But I didn’t have time and I didn’t want to bother the delivery guy. I have to change this attitude. The magic isn’t gone. I have just let the muscle atrophy.

Bother the delivery guys of the world. Stop beautiful people and take their picture. Push back into the magic.

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