Comics Dreams

Batman Color





Comics Dreams
Various Sizes
© 1990 Craig Ashby

Comics Dreams is a relic from the days of high school. Back then you could write DC Comics for pencil and ink samples just by sending postage with your request. An amazing vestige of snail mail.

I don’t know if there is currently any analog today. Can you even request samples? Are they just easily downloaded? How do you go about getting a job at DC?

That was the goal of requesting the samples. I really wanted to work in the comics industry. That is why this post is called what it is.

It’s such a sad moment to look at stillborn dreams from the past. Things you never did. Things you never will do. People say they have no regrets, but most won’t admit they are lying.

Until maybe the past five or six years I was such a fanboy. Recently though I have stopped. Sometimes it is such a deep sadness, then I remember the never ending nature of the stories.

It will never stop and it is just more stuff to collect. More things to drag around and take space. I think those days are over, the days of nerd collecting to fill some American dream of consumerism.

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