2005-2012 Serialization 3

Third and final, for now, in the Serialization Series shows more hyper repetition. Grids of grids of grids.

Exit Art had a show where the windows were covered in curtains made of slides. Thousands of slides. I shot so many pictures. Mostly from the outside rather than the inside. Strange choice but the interior shots were so dark and didn’t show off the work in the same way.

Then two images of a mattress left on the sidewalk. The night street lights imparting that orange haze. There is nothing like a mattress on an NYC sidewalk. Especially after a heavy rain. Nothing says revulsion more.

Also note that this image is used on the June 12, 2009 DJ Mix. I love it because it mimics cyclone fence.

Then finally the grid of fluorescent light covers. More rhombi shapes to adore. I find certain affinities for certain shapes. Same for color combinations.

When I write the text for these posts, most of the time I question why I have to play the SEO game at all. Maybe I should just post pictures with no text and have less hoops to jump through.

Other times, I worry that the container choice for the sets is too arbitrary. Then posts like these happen and I see a sameness that runs through a lot of my work and I feel less worried.

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