10 10
©2002 Craig Ashby
5.5″ x 5.5″
Digital Art

It’s honestly difficult to imagine 2002. I know I would have already been doing Napster. I did this piece on an Apple Powerbook 3200C. Which I still have and had to take out and look at it to know that tidbit.

I can’t even remember the version of Photoshop I was using. Version 2 or 3 probably. It was ancient and preloaded onto the computer from an ex-boyfriend from the turn of the millennium.

I wasn’t actually doing a lot of art in those days. Just digital stuff. Working with cam pics or amateur porn found on the internet.

So why post these? Because they show a nice history. These are from a much larger series, culled into just the best bits that hold up. They also reinforce that this is the same aesthetic I am still pursuing today.

This particular piece is layered from Rorschach patterns from paint pallettes I used at Governor’s School in 1987. Which reminds me I need to pull those out and scan them again.

When I say scan them again, it’s because I had two hard drive failures in the past couple of years that have left me bereft. Anyone in data recovery that can help a brother out?


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