©1993 Craig Ashby
8.5” x 12”
Snitkt bothers me because of he extra T. I want the classic Snikt. Just another one of my pet peeves.
It is the second in these demo mock ups. The first being Krakk. The one that went into production was of Blink. It is coming soon.
These come from a crazy time when I did more LSD than you can imagine. Living with a band. Going to raves. Working in a hospice.
It was a strange time of coping with my mother’s death by watching a lot of people die. Then using the weekends to do a ton of hallucinogens to process my life. Completely magical and formative.
If at the time I seemed an unwitting accomplice to my own adventure, make no mistake, I knew exactly what I was doing. Making magic happen.
Not that it was all good magic. I was exploring the full possibility we are all trapped in. Occasionally I could see glimpses of some of the hidden workings.
Most of the time just an undeniable reflection of myself in this fucked up hologram. For the millionth time, I am sharing this history now. Not all of it is great, but when it isn’t I try to share a good story.