
Queens 2

Queens 1

©2005 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Queens is a shot from the subway station going to PS1 in Queens. Rolling along on those horizontal conveyor belts. Looking up at the beautiful skylight.

I want to digress as usual and have a moment to rave about my website. I love my self hosted WordPress site. But I love my theme creators company even more.

Photocrati is an amazing company that has unparalleled customer support. I actually called it bizarre in an email of praise today. It is kind and quick and most importantly present.

Drew is my regular contact guy. In the three plus years I have been using their product I have always received the best service. I mean better than any other company I have given my money to.

I wrote to him today about the theme clashing with a WordPress update. He wrote me back in about ten minutes. It was so fast and kind, I physically gasped. He gave me a beta patch to fix the problem and said the full update would be out shortly. I just waited for the full release.

This is why I have to take this moment to be thankful. It’s a great company. They deserve my money and yours if you need a similar theme. You won’t be disappointed.


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