NYC Sadness

NYC SadnessNYC Sadness
©2013 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

I write this after a long day at work. Beyond the edge of physical and mental exhaustion. Listening to Health’s new album Death Magic while waiting for the train.

Although this picture isn’t by any means a good one. It’s sentiment is something unique to American city living. I imagine it’s a particular peculiarity to New York City but I know these pleas exist all over the world.

Sometimes if the exhaustion and mood are intense enough, signs like these can move me to tears. Windows into the life of a senior citizen who just wants to keep her beloved cats. Or sometimes it’s a rash of missing kids who are developmentally disabled.

It doesn’t matter, it still hits hard. I read these things or photograph them. Then I walk by so many homeless people. Even after all this time here in the city, it still gets to me.

This past winter I came home and walked behind a guy I see all the time. He works in the neighborhood ferrying clothing for some sweatshop. He is at least 70. His back completely deformed with his head resting on his shoulder.

It was freezing. He had only a t-shirt and pants on. Over his shoes he had tied plastic shopping bags. He was shivering so intensely. I didn’t even fight the sobbing that came over me.

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