Nadja PR-RAW Demo 1

Nadja PR-Raw Demo 1Nadja PR-RAW Demo 1
©2008 Craig Ashby
6” x 5.5”

This is the very first demo for the PR-RAW series. A series of 33 images based on the Robert Anton Wilson book Prometheus Rising.

I have noted before that when I sketch these demo pieces it happens quickly. The idea comes to me in a flash and I have to quickly make it physical. In this case it explains the ridiculous choice of imagery.

It’s hot fans, pentagrams, an ode to Danzig and double pig nostril sockets. Pair this with a Nazi choker and you have an idea that is really about nothing.

This happens because I am process oriented. The process comes first.  When the idea comes it is almost always about a process that results in an aesthetic. So when you see these demos, notice how I am putting together the process.

I then have to work out that process and do it quickly or the idea is lost. The concept for the images comes much later when I have a moment to let the process slow cook.

So I slapped these bits of clip art together on my old model crutch. It’s humorous and I love the sweater face but it is better seen much later than I posted the original series.

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