©2010 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

MOMA PS1 is a great show and memory. For as long as I have lived in New York City I have gone to the Warm Up events at PS1. Ernie and I used to always go every summer. Lately it has not been a must see as it used to be.

This is never due to the musicians. Every year there are musicians who perform that I would love to see. But then I remember the crush of idiots and the bad art and it just doesn’t hold its draw for me.

The art initially was fun. Emerging artists and a fun mix. Then the big guns came with capital A’s. Then it just seemed to not make me love it as much.

I remember it being one show in particular. It had a Matthew Barney piece. I love Barney, but it felt like such a shift. The whole exhibition fell flat for me.

Pair this with negative experiences from the security staff to rising douchebag populations and I just can’t. Concerts in general are now a sit down affair for someone my age. Not that I am old, but maybe I am at an age that won’t tolerate your bullshit. Not a festival mentality.

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