
MoBarnies2 MoBarnies
©2003 Craig Ashby
28.444″ x 21.333″
Digital Art

A simple black, white and grey self-portrait. A selfie from 2003 in front of my cork board that I had covered with tissue paper from Barney’s Co-Op. Simple stuff.

But I still love it after all these years. Yeah, I could be looking at the camera. Yeah, I could go in and micromanage each tiny bit. Tidy up everything into sterile perfection. Blah, blah, blah.

It was an image I greyed out to be the main image of my Myspace. Oh, Myspace, I love you more than I ever have Facebook. You turned me on to great music. You let me interact with artists I love. Even that message feud with Kirsty Hawkshaw was completely lovely.

That kind of thing would never happen on Facebook. Nothing ever happens on Facebook. Here is a quiz. Here is a Buzzfeed list. Here is a shitty micro transaction game. Here is nothing you ever wanted. That should be Facebook’s tagline.

On some level it is perfectly of this moment. A place for everyone you ever knew to come and ignore you. All while shouting a lot about nothing. Louder and with less meaning.

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