Landscape 5

Landscape 5
©1997 Craig Ashby
10″ x 5″

Landscape 5 is a continuation of the same landscapes. Burnt to death and tortured. Tortured like living in a country full of cherry picking idiots.

Recently people on my Facebook posted about the right to bear arms while simultaneously demanding prayer back in school. Cognitive dissonance at its best. It is the nature of organized religion to create this hypocrisy.

How about this? If you choose Christ you don’t get a gun. Turn the other cheek at all cost. Better yet, just don’t choose Christ.

To take that even further, don’t choose any of them. All the major religions have a notorious history of corruption that should be red flags to any truly critical thinker.

I always reflect on my childhood. All my friends arguing in the school library about baptism being dunking or sprinkling. The rabid slobbering over the dumbest idea.

I wonder if the irony has ever dawned on them. That they were arguing in a library. Arguing about the tenants of a bunch of notorious book burners.

When I think about what these religions have done to me as a gay man, what they are still doing, it produces nothing but rage. You can no longer excuse a history of evil and stupidity.

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