FFXIV Nico 13

Nicolas-Ghesquiere-02_14_2014-04_09_50FFXIV Nico 13
©2014 Craig Ashby
Screen Capture

FFXIV Nico 13 is a proud moment of finishing my level 50 Weaver quest line. Just me and my Disciple of the Hand trainer in our snazzy matching outfits. Another example of the few times I let headgear show through.

I still haven’t found a replacement for the game. I need something low impact without all the weekly grinding but nothing has popped up yet. I guess for now I will stick with the mediocre Lightning Returns.

It is so awful I am the most productive I have been in years. This week I finished pricing my comic collection. And I finished scanning and organizing the filing cabinets.

A Herculean effort that is getting me closer to my goal for the year. Now just tying up the loose ends of both of those projects. Simple stuff like Photoshopping the scanned pieces and building the posts.

So still a ways to go before I catalog the DVD backups. This will let me take stock of what I lost in two hard drive failures. Then I can move on to actual preparation for new work.

I usually do most of my work in fall and winter so all is on track. It looks like it is going to be a cold one. It is good to have a writer of indoor work ahead of me.

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