Fashion Weak 07

Fashion Weak 7Fashion Weak 07
©2015 Craig Ashby
Digital Art

Those eyes, that mouth. In the same place. Just referencing an old song because a lot of music from the past is playing lately. No nostalgia, just attempting to thwart more disaster.

Back in the fall last year I had an accident with a rare CD. It fell from the shelf with the bookend that held it. Shattered. Little brown jug don’t I love thee!

After returning from London, I immediately set out importing all the CDs we own to 320 kbps. It was several months of work. But I finished in January.

Sadly I realized how few of the songs had play counts and even less were rated. So I set about fixing both of these issues. Mixing older music in with the current playlists adds a bit of balance. Sometimes a bit of frustration.

I have gone over in the past here the intense rating of music I have been doing for many years. It’s a process that invades everything I do. It is especially important right now.

For the time being this is an era of organizing. Taking stock of what I have and creating greater order for some future work ahead. A time of preparation and absorption. I hope it works.

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