Exquisite Corpse 07

Exquisite Corpse 07Exquisite Corpse 07
©1993 Craig Ashby and Laura Farrow
3″ x 5″
Pen and Ink

Exquisite Corpse 07 is head as a hand and neck booger picking. Oh and a dick. There must be a dick in every couple of these.

Where would art be without genitalia? Let me answer that for you. Nowhere.

They try to tell you that money rules the world but let me be clear, money is a new idea. In the history of everything it’s pretty modern. Sex not so much.

To further your perspective, money is just an idea created to have more sex. Unfortunately the meeting of these two ideas ruins both.

Don’t get me wrong. That was not negative towards sex workers or their customers. Get that cash. But we all know it is less than ideal.

Lately my neighborhood has seen a resurgence of hustling. Several times recently I have been approached with services. It always makes me get very white girl priveleged and I psychically clutch my pearls.

A most recent conversation offered me paying to give a blowjob. Behind my Tom Ford sunglasses I rolled my eyes. Then I offered a few tidbits.

First up, I don’t pay for sex. Secondly, wouldn’t you, the hustler, pay to receive said blowjob? The look on his face was pure puzzlement as though he had never thought about it. I dealt the final blow by explaining that I don’t charge either.


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