Exquisite Corpse 03

Exquisite Corpse 03Exquisite Corpse 03
©1993 Laura Farrow and Craig Ashby
3″ x 5″
Pen and Ink

Exquisite Corpse 03 comes up with a play on dickhead. A silly bit of adolescent humor. How did you tolerate me Laura?

So more about Laura. Her blog is called Tossing Ashes. She makes great art and has always followed her own beat. A truly unique person, whom I instantly bonded with during our training at The National AIDS Hotline.

Sometimes when I see some of her great ceramics I always want to beg a set off her. But I abstain because I don’t want to be a nuisance. Maybe I will get the nerve up.

I also always think of the great parties she would throw at her house. Volleyball on May Day being one of my best memories. The numerous art parties where we would kick back and draw.

Just a group of people drinking and relaxing. Enjoying one another. I truly felt I belonged. It was lovely and I felt loved.

Sometimes I dream of a giant reunion with all these old friends. A big party with eating and dancing and volleyball. Then I am reminded how much this fantasy is like the Christian heaven. And then the desire passes.

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