Alternate Reality
©2013 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph
Alternate Reality is another shot of a beloved paper paste up on the legendary Bowery building downtown. Oddly the place finally caved and was recently sold for many millions of dollars. Let the gentrification continue.
The idea of posting pictures of graffiti on this site has been much debated in our house. Ernie feels it isn’t my work and dilutes the website’s intention. I feel it enhances the site through careful curation. The debate is still happening almost every time I post one of these pictures or sets of pictures.
Just for clarity, these are not my work. They are my photographs of my experiences. Photographs of things I like in a city that is crawling with things I dislike.
Not that all the pictures are likable. Except maybe in a Facebook like way. Some are harsh and grotesque but important. Important that I am curating the ideas.
Similarly I work in the same with the DJ mixes. Those aren’t my songs but I am providing a container for your listening.
These are the same thoughtful containers I apply to each work of art. They build through the process of creating the work and show how important these photographs sculpt how I come to those ideas.