A tiny set of three pictures for the third installment of Street Paint. This is what I meant when I said I was more focused on paper.
There are also other circumstances which could have affected this. iPhoto is how I am storing all these images. And like most Apple software it has chosen ease of use over functionality.
If you have ever had to transfer a library in any of the Apple applications you know what I mean. The backups of previous iPhoto libraries drop in by date created. The date which you drag them from the archival DVD onto the new hard drive.
With a little poking around you can revert to the date created. But it’s glitchy. It does display them in the right order but in my case didn’t modify the actual date created. Argghhh! Style over substance again?!?
So some of these sets are just visual comparisons of dates. It makes the process tedious and explains why I haven’t posted in the latter half of May. It’s because I am handpicking pictures with no help from Apple. Thanks.
As a photo editor I have used a lot of software. Photo Mechanic being my favorite. Paired with Photoshop it becomes an unstoppable duo. Unfortunately iPhoto is not Photo Mechanic. And don’t get me started on the latest incarnation of iTunes.
So maybe there were more from 2005. Maybe I just edited the hell out that year. What do I have left?
The first image is a skull lollipop sad smiley guy that was everywhere for a bit. Pair that with a dripping stencil of a plane. The bad stencil work paired with a post 9-11 fear of planes adds to the ominous feeling.
And finally a tagged dumpster. It could have been in the NYC Decay set, but the tagging set off my arbitrary sensors. For some reason I always photograph dumpsters. It’s the thrill of tetanus, I suppose.