2004 Shredded 2

Second in the Shredded Series sees more of the same from 2004. I had to split the year into two sets because of the number of great images. So here is more of the same from 2004.

Repeats of those fluorescent infinity symbols. More mustard colored base boards for the advertisement insets on the subway platform. A little bit of political commentary amidst the Shredded mess.

This reflects my own ideas about art. I have always shied away from overt political commentary. As a loud and over the top personality, I need to avoid being didactic in what I create.

I like being more vague with ideas when making art. Frequently, I don’t even understand why I am making what I make. It just draws me in and creates itself.

Other time it’s more focused and I am offering very specific commentary. But for the most part I offer both “Bush Sucks” and “Kerry Sucks” simultaneously.

Not in a journalistic fence straddling approach. It’s more about showing that I noticed the commentary. Not always about identifying with the commentary. And definitely not always agreeing. Just noticing.

Whew! Reading that back I feel the need to create a series of overtly political pieces just to round myself out. Hmm…I guess I can get right on that when I am done writing and creating a hundred or so more posts. Now on to the next Shredded post.


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